Innovation Proposals
Institute of Molecular Biology Institute of Molecular Biology
Division of Natural Sciences

Antiviral agents against African swine fever virus

N Investment project title Antiviral agents against African swine fever virus
1. Sector

Agriculture, veterinary, biotechnology

2. Project description

African swine fever virus (ASFV) is the causative agent of a highly contagious hemorrhagic disease of domestic and wild pigs. Highly virulent ASFV strains cause 100% mortality in affected herds. Due to the lack of effective vaccines, ASFV has devastating socioeconomic impact on pig farming industry. It has been discovered that two plant-derived compounds, apigenin and genistein, exert potent antiviral activity against ASFV, targeting different stages of viral life cycle. Apigenin is able to reduce the ASFV yield by 1000 times (3 log). This compound is highly effective, when it is added at early hours post-infection. Apigenin inhibits the synthesis of viral DNA and proteins. Genistein inhibits ASFV DNA replication by targeting the ATPbinding site of viral topoisomerase II enzyme. As a result, genistein impairs the function of viral enzyme leading to the decrease in viral yield by more than 3 log. Since the ATP-binding site is highly conserved in different ASFV strains, it may serve as a good target for further antiviral drug discovery and development.

3. Project implementation period 3 years
4. Project location Institute of Molecular Biology of NAS RA
5. Project overall cost (USD) 200.000
6. Required investments (USD) 175.000
7. Own funds (USD) 25.000 (has been already invested in R&D and preliminary trials)
8. Creation of jobs At the beginning of the project At the end of the project
4 30
9. Payback period 5 - 7 years
10. Annual profitability index -
11. Detailed costs


12. Offer to investor

The organization of a joint venture, an investor’s share will depend on the amount of invested funds and project involvement stage

13. Contact details

Arsen Arakelyan, Director of the Institute of Molecular Biology of NAS RA
E-mail: aarakelyan {[ at ]}
Tel.: (+374 10) 281626

Reduction of ASFV yield upon treatment with different concentrations of apigenin
Reduction of ASFV yield upon treatment with different concentrations of apigenin
Viral DNA in the presence of apigenin after long-term treatment
Viral DNA in the presence of apigenin after long-term treatment
Interaction of genistein with the ATP-binding site of topo II enzyme
Interaction of genistein with the ATP-binding site of topo II enzyme