Innovation Proposals
Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology after A. Nazarov Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology after A. Nazarov
Division of Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Armenian trademark seismic sensor production

N Investment project title Armenian trademark seismic sensor production
1. Sector

Earth and related environmental sciences, army, urban development, energy, industry

2. Project description

For many years in IGES NAS RA various types of seismic sensors have been developed, which were in great demand in former Soviet Union and were imported abroad in large quantities. Using modern information technology (IT) achievements and the telecommunication possibilities, as well as the scientific, technical, technological and professional potential of the Institute the sensors were improved and their parameters do not yield to international analogues and are in great demand both in Armenia and abroad. Due to innovative solutions the sensors are portable and double, triple time cheaper. Organization of mass production of sensors designed in IGES will enable to create regional seismic stations, operational mobile monitoring networks, anti-seismicprotection systems, safety systems that can be applied in different sectors of the economy, urban development, defense, emergency situations, environment, energy, etc.
The investment program is intended to perform in two stages: 

  • Projection and implementation of Armenian trademark seismic sensors with optimized parameters (12 months)
  • Organization of limited quantities production (6 months)
3. Project implementation period 18 months
4. Project location A.Nazarov Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology of NAS RA
5. Project overall cost (USD) 108.000
6. Required investments (USD) 108.000
7. Own funds (USD) -
8. Creation of jobs At the beginning of the project At the end of the project
7 20
9. Payback period About 1 year
10. Annual profitability index Based on the scientific and technical basis of the Institute (IGES) it is possible to create a production group of 20 employees. Therefore, under sufficient conditions for production the team annually can successfully produce 1200 sensors. According to preliminary calculation (salary – USD 96.000; for electrical circuits and design the necessary components acquisition – USD 38.000; overhead costs of IGES – USD 4.000) for 1200 sensor production USD 138.000 amount will be sufficient. The cost will be USD 115 per sensor: in the case of realization of all products (1 sensor sales price could reach USD 200 (relatively cheaper then ZET 7150 seismic sensor price of Russian ZETLAB firm which is about USD 450) USD 240.000 amount will be paid back. For the first year the profit will be USD 102.000
11. Detailed costs

Salary - USD 37.800
Necessary components, acquisition of equipment, field testing, design - USD 8.000
Preparatory works for mini-production (acquiring appropriate equipment, making of test stands, job matching, the final design laboratory creation) – USD 60.000
Overhead expenses - USD 2.200
In total – USD 108.000

12. Offer to investor

The application of produced seismic sensors does not require large financial investments and professional staff. Sensors will be relatively affordable from price point.

13. Contact details

Jon Karapetyan, Director of A.Nazarov Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology of NAS RA 
E-mail: jon_iges {[ at ]}
Tel.: (+374 94) 798580

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