About Academy
The National Academy of Sciences of Armenia is the top scientific institution of the Republic, based upon centuries-old original fruitful historical, scholarly, cultural and educational knowledge and traditions of the Armenian Nation, it is called upon to consolidate the efforts by the scientists to do basic research in many fields of science, to identify and to reconsider the spiritual legacy of the Nation in order to effect national security as well as social and economic problems. The first cultural, educational and scientific center of the Republic was Yerevan State University, temporarily established in Alexandropol in 1919. In the years of the First Republic of Armenia the University deployed research in culture, history and economics. In the very first years of the Second Republic in 1921, an Institute of Culture and History was established in Etchmiadzin, to be renamed in 1925 as the Institute of Science and Culture, an entity of an academic trend aiming at developing natural, technical sciences and the humanities. Later, Institutes were established on protection of vegetation, on construction and building materials, geology, balneotherapy, a seismic station and a number of other scientific enterprises. In 1935, on the bases of the mentioned R&D institutions the Armenian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences was established chaired by academician Franz Julievich Levinson-Lessing. In 1938 the top scientist of the branch was Hovsep Orbeli. Work started on developing physics, mathematics, natural, technical and humanitarian sciences, whereby Armenia became a large center of Armenian Studies. On November 10, 1943, a degree by the Government of Arm.SSR established the Academy of Sciences of Arm.SSR, with 23 noted academicians including M. Abeghian, brothers Alikhanian, R. Acharian, Av. Isahakian, V. Ambartsumian, brothers Orbeli, et al. The first elected president was Hovsep Orbeli, an outstanding scholar, historian and orientalist. In 1947 a new President of the Academy of Sciences of Arm.SSR was elected – Victor Ambartsumian, a scientist of a world-wide recognition, the founder of theoretical astrophysics. In the years of Soviet rule the Academy effected crucial research of worldwide significance in the fields of astrophysics, information technology, applied mathematics and mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology, Armenology studies and a number of other trends of science and scholarship. Following the declaration of the Third Republic in 1992, the AS Arm.SSR was renamed to the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. 1993 saw the election of Fadey Sarkisian as President of NAS RA, during his reign reforms were affected aimed at preservation of the Academy, the Law of RA was adopted “On Science and Scientific and Technical Activity”, and the NAS RA was awarded the status of an Official Advisor of the RA Government. In 2006 academician Radik Martirosian, a widely recognized scientist in the field of radiophysics, was elected President of NAS RA. In 2021 academician Ashot Saghyan was elected President of NAS RA. In 2008, the Armenian Nation solemnly celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the outstanding scientist and patriot of Armenia, President of NAS RA during almost half-a-century, academician V.A. Ambartsumian. In 2010, an International Prize was established in commemoration of academician V.A. Ambartsumian. In 2011, to enhance the capabilities for object-oriented use of the scientific and technical potential and for using the findings of basic sciences in applied projects, the President of the Republic initiated development of the Law on the National Academy of Republic of Armenia, which was approved by the National Assembly 04.14.2011. Currently, the Academy continues to develop various branches of science and records significant achievements, effectively cooperates with universities and state structures of the Republic, as well as with international scientific organizations, actively participates in numerous international programs and international projects, including the following ongoing ones: EU H2020 BSH, EU H2020 EaP PLUS, EU H2020 EEN Armenia, COSME EEN Armenia. As a state scientific organization NAS RA unifies the scientific and research institutes, subsidiary services and governing body - the Presidium of the Academy includes more than 34 scientific institutions and other organizations.
The Presidium of NAS RA has five scientific divisions on particular areas of science:
- Division of Mathematical and Technical Sciences,
- Division of Physics and Astrophysics,
- Division of Natural Sciences,
- Division of Chemistry and Earth Sciences,
- Division of Armenology and Social Sciences.
Several Institutes have experimental plants, special design bureaus, botanical gardens, etc. The Presidium of NAS RA also includes Fundamental Scientific Library, International Scientific Educational Center, "Gitutyun" Publishing-House and subsidiary services.
Within the Presidium there are scientific Commissions and Councils (Publication's Council, Computing Technology Application Commission, Expert Commission on protection of Lake Sevan) and Councils on particular scientific area in every Division. The scientists of NAS RA participate in scientific programs of many international foundations and other organizations. The Governing Body of NAS RA is the General Meeting of the Academy including Full Members (academicians), Corresponding Members of the Academy and authorized representatives of the scientific organizations of the Academy. Between the General Meetings the Academy is being administered by the Presidium composed of 15 members:
The Staff
The Academy has a staff consisting over 3800 people, among which there are about 340 doctors of sciences, about 1100 candidates of sciences. It has 28 academicians, 43 corresponding members, 5 Honorary members, 103 Foreign members and 43 Honorary doctors. Members are elected at the General Meeting held as a rule once 3 years.
Cooperation with Scientific Institutions
- International Associations of Academies of Sciences (since 1993)
- International Council for Science (ICS)
- European Federation of Academies of Sciences (ALLEA) (since 2012)
- The Russian Academy of Sciences (since 1993)
- The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (since 1993)
- The National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Belarus (since 1995)
- The Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan (since 1995)
- The National Academy of Sciences of Georgia (since 1997)
- The Academy of Sciences of Lithuania (since 2012)
- The Academy of Sciences of Romania (since 2013)
- The National Center of Scientific Research, France (CNRS) (since 2009)
- The Chinese Academy of Sciences (since 1998)
- The Academy of Sciences of Moldova (since 2013)
- The Austrian Academy of Sciences (since 2017)
- The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (since 2017)
- The Indian Academy of Sciences (since 2002)
- The Southern Scientific Center, RAS (since 2004)
Cooperation with Foundations
- The Armenian Benevolent Society, USA
- The “Hayastan” Foundation
- The “Piunik” Foundation
- The Armenian National Foundation of Science and Education, USA, (ANSEF)
- The International Scientific and Technical Center (ISTC)
- The 7th Framework Program of the European Union (EU FP7)
- The International Association in Facilitating Cooperation with Scientists from NIS of
- the Former Soviet Union (INTAS)
- The National Scientific Foundation of Switzerland
- The Belarus Republican Foundation of Basic Research
Joint Laboratories
- A laboratory of Experimental Parasitology created by the Institute of
- Zoology of NAS RA and the Institute of Parasitology of RAN
- An International Laboratory 09-LIA-002 (SNRS-LIA) created by the
- Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of NAS RA and the National
- Center of Scientific Research (France)
- A Joint International Laboratory created by the Institute for Physical
- Research of NAS RA and the University of Burgundy (France)
- A Joint International Laboratory created by the Institute for Physical
- Research of NAS RA and the University Lion-1 of Claud Bernard (Vilurban)
- A Joint International Laboratory created by the Institute of Geological
- Sciences of NAS RA and the Lion University (France)
HOVSEP A. ORBELI (20.03.1887 – 02.02.1961)
1938-1943 – Chairman of Arm. FAS USSR 1943-1947 – The First President of AS Arm.SSR
Speciality: oriental studies, Caucasus studies, archeology, philology |
VIKTOR H. AMBARTSUMIAN (18.09.1908 – 12.08.1996)
1947-1993 – President of AS Arm.SSR
Speciality: theoretical astronomy, astrophysics |
FADEY T. SARGSYAN (18.09.1923 – 10.01.2010)
1993-2006 – President of NAS RA
Speciality: electronic engineering, automated control systems |
2006-2021 – President of NAS RA
Speciality: quantum radiophysics, applied problems of superconductivity, radioastronomy |
ASHOT S. SAGHYAN (07.04.1957)
Since 2021 – President of NAS RA
Speciality: Biotechnology, Bioorganic Chemistry |
Publications in Press
1lurer.am |
hesc.am |
1tv.am |
1lurer.am |
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