H. Acharyan Institute of Language of NAS RA organizes Internet conference dedicated to the 130th anniversary of Grigor Ghapantsyan
To participate in the conference, it is necessary to send the articles to the e-mail address inslang@sci.am by November 10, 2017. The articles will be posted on the Institute's website http://language.sci.am, in the section "Conferences". The readers' questions and the answers given by the authors, as well as the comments on the articles will also be posted on the mentioned webpage. The articles will be published in a separate book. Further information can be found on the Institute's website at http://language.sci.am.
To the attention of the authors of the articles for the conference dedicated to the 130th anniversary of Grigor Ghapantsyan
The articles should be sent to inslang@sci.am as a file attachment. Deadline for submission: November 10, 2017.
- Office: Microsoft Word; paper size: A4; number of pages for the article: 8-10; summary of the article: up to 15 lines including the full name of the author and the title of the article; margins: 3 cm from all sides; the first line indent of the paragraph: 1.25 cm.
- Language: Armenian (with summaries in English and Russian), English (with summaries in Armenian and Russian).
- Text font: Sylfaen (Armenian), Times New Roman (English, Russian), summary font: Sylfaen (Armenian), Times New Roman (English, Russian).
- Order of submitted material: a) surname, name followed by country and place of work in parenthesis, b) title of the article, c) body text of the article, d) summary.
- N.B. NO list of references at the end of the article.
- References: Autonumbered footnotes started at 1.
- Font size: name of the author: 12 (bold); country and workplace: 12 (non-bold); title of the article: 12 (bold and caps); subtitles: 12 (bold); text: 12 (non-bold); summary: 12 (non-bold, all the parts); references: 10 (bold for the author's name), 10 (non-bold and italic for the title), 10 (non-bold for the bibliographic data).
- Line spacing: 1.15.
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