Ruben T. Jrbashyan
Specialization: Geology
Place of birth: Yerevan
Date of birth: 13/12/1934
Membership: |
Academician |
Address: |
24, Marshall Baghramyan Ave., Yerevan 0019, Republic of Armenia |
Fax: |
(+374 10) 524426 |
E-mail: |
georisk {[ at ]} sci.am |
Research Areas:
Regional geology, volcanology, geodynamics, one of the founders of archeovolcanology in Armenia
Graduated from YSU (1957). Dr. of Geological Sciences (1990), prof. (1996), acad. (1996)
Counselor of the director of Institute of Geological Sciences of NAS RA, lecturer of YSU (1996)
Membership of other Organizations
Member of the International association of volcanology and chemistry, chairman of the Geological society of Armenia, a member of Academy of natural sciences of the Russian Federation
Was awarded with medals of A. Enshtein and P. Kapitsa of RF natural sciences academy, Laureate of State awards of RA and USA Armenian Scientists's and Engineers's Association named after V. Ambartsumian, governmental medals
Other information
Head of the department of the Institute of geophysics and engineering seismology of NAS RA (1989-1991), Deputy director of the Institute of geophysics and engineering seismology of NAS RA (1991-1993)
Publications in Press
1lurer.am |
arevik.armradio.am |
1lurer.am |
hesc.am |
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