Lenser A. Agalovyan
Specialization: Mechanics
Place of birth: vil. Kolatak, Republic of Nagorny Karabakh.
Date of birth: 03/02/1940
Membership: |
Academician |
Phone number: |
(+374 10) 525835, (+374 10) 529630 |
Fax: |
(+374 10) 568189 |
E-mail: |
aghal {[ at ]} mechins.sci.am, lagal {[ at ]} sci.am |
Research Areas:
Graduated from YSU (1961), Dr. of Math.-Phys. Sciences (1980), prof. (2002), acad. (1996)
Head of Department of the Institute of Mechanics of NAS RA (since 2006), Academician-Secretary of the Division of Mathematical and Technical Sciences of NAS RA (since 2016), Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (2000-2006, since 2011)
Membership of other Organizations
Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (since 2011), Member of the European Association for the Control of Structures (ACS), Member of the International Academy of Sciences on National security. Member of the Russian National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Laureate of award of the Armenian Scientific and Engineering Association of USA after V. Ambartsumyan
Other information
Senior lecturer of YSU (1996-1969), Senior scientific worker of the Institute of Mechanics of NAS RA (1967-1987)
Publications in Press
hesc.am |
1tv.am |
sipac.am |
hesc.am |
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