Levon M. Khachigian
Specialization: Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology
Date of birth: 06/03/1964
Membership: |
Foreign Member |
Date of Election: |
28.11.2008 |
Country: |
Australia |
Phone number: |
(+61-2) 93 85 25 37 |
Fax: |
(+61-2) 93 85 13 89 |
E-mail: |
L.Khachigian {[ at ]} unsw.edu.au |
BSc (Hons), PhD, DSc in biochemistry, cell, molecular pathobiology, Prof. of Pathology
Director at the Centre for Vascular Research, member of the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Fellow, NHMRC, Professor of Pathology
Membership of other Organizations
Past-President, Australian Society for Medical Research. Past-President, Australian Vascular Biology Society. Member, Editorial Boards of 12 journals including American Journal of Pathology and Endothelium
Was awarded with Australia Fellowship NHMRC, Commonwealth Health Minister's Award for Excellence in Health and Medical Research, GSK Australia Award for Research Excellence, Gottschalk Award from the Australian Academy of Science, Eureka Prize for Scientific Research, Eureka Prize for Medical Research, First Prize in the UNESCO-sponsored Khwarizmi International Award for Science and Technology
Publications in Press
hesc.am |
1tv.am |
sipac.am |
hesc.am |
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