Aleksandr L. Mikaelyan
Specialization: Cardiosurgery
Place of birth: Tbilisi
Date of birth: 29/08/1928
Date of death: 18/08/1991
Membership: |
Corresponding Member |
Research Areas:
Blood supply, metabolism, structural organization and function of organs at reconstructive operations.
Graduated from Moscow medical university of N.Pirogov (1953). Doctor of Medical science (1963), prof. (1965), corr. member (1986).
Doctor surgeon of the region medical union Urjupinsq, the Volgograd area (1953-1954), the intern of faculty of Spasukukocq clinic at the period of time of 1 city clinical hospital Pirogov (Moscow, 1954-1955), elder scientific assistant of the second surgical branch Institute of chest surgery of the Institute AMN USSR (Moscow, 1956-1957), assistant of the faculty of chest surgery and anesthesiology of the Central institute of improvement of doctors MH USSR (Moscow, 1957-1959), m. of the department of modeling blood circulation of the institute of experimental biology and medicine of Siberian branch AS USSR (Novosibirsk, 1960-1961), director of the heart surgery department, vice- director of the institute of cardiology and cardiosurgery sciences AS ArmSSR (Yerevan, 1961-1972), m. of the sector of cardiovascular surgery and change of organs of the Institute of cardiology of MH ArmSSR (Yerevan, 1972-1974), director of the Yerevan branch of of the all-union center of surgery AMN USSR (Yerevan, 1974-1991).
Membership of other Organizations
Member of different societies in Academy of Medical Sciences of USSR, Ministry of Health, Armenian surgeon society, All-union research societies on cardio-vascular surgery, transplantation of organs, tissues and creation of prosthetic appliances of artificial organs, member of International Society of Surgeons, honorary member of Armenian surgeon society
"Friendship of people" and "Badge of Honour" medals.
Other information
The Surgery Institute is named after A. Miqaelyan (1992).
Publications in Press
hesc.am |
proshloe.com |
hesc.am |
mir24.tv |
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