Adolf H. Mantashyan
Specialization: Chemical physics and physical chemistry
Place of birth: Yerevan
Date of birth: 16/08/1932
Date of death: 09/04/2021
Research Areas:
Chemical physics, chemical kinetics, chain reactions, combustion and explosion processes, cool flames. Detection of free radicals in hydrocarbon oxidation degenerate branched chain reactions and the establishment of the mechanism of these reactions. It is shown that rarefied flames of hydrogen-oxygen mixtures under certain conditions can pass into a new, previously unknown mode – "intermittent flames". A new scientific direction was founded - the transformation of solid-phase and gas-phase inorganic compounds and materials under the effect of chain gas-phase reactions, which is also of practical and environmental importance
Graduated from YPI (SEUA) (1956). D.Sc. (1974), prof. (1976), acad. (1994, Corr.-memb. 1990). Academician of the Engineering Academy of Armenia (1994)
Junior Researcher of Laboratory of Chemical Physics Academy of Sciences Arm. SSR (1961). Scientific Secretary (1963-1972), head of SHS sector (1972), head of hydrocarbons oxidation sector (1973-1975). Deputy Director of the Institute of Chemical Physics of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (1975-1977), head. Laboratory of hydrocarbon oxidation (since 1975). Director of the Institute of Chemical Physics after A.B. Nalbandyan of NAS RA (1987-2006), advisor to the director of the Institute of Chemical Physics after A.B. Nalbandyan NAS RA (since 2006), member of the Presidium of NAS RA (2000-2003, 2006-2008), academician-secretary of the Department of Chemistry and Earth Sciences of NAS RA (2008-2011)
Membership of other Organizations
Academician of the New York Academy (1995). Academician of the International Academy of Engineering (1996)
Laureate of Awards State of Armenia (1976), "Veteran of Labor" Medal (1986), Honored Scientist of Armenia (2003)
Other information
Head the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the SEUA (1981-1996) and the head of the scientific and educational base of the SEUA at the Institute of Chemical Physics of NAS RA (1991 - 2006). Editor-in-Chief (1997-2008), consultant to the editor-in-chief (since 2008) of the Chemical Journal of Armenia, member of various Expert Councils of RA, chairman of Yerevan State University State Examination Commissions (1991-2006). Chairman of the Specialized Council on Physical and Inorganic Chemistry 017 (1987-2014), Chairman of the Chemical Society of Armenia (since 2001)
Publications in Press
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