Scientific Results
A preliminary version of the regional scale of seismic intensity is being developed

A preliminary version of the regional scale of seismic intensity is being developed at the NAS RA Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology after A.Nazarov. The work is supervised by Vanand Grigoryan, a Senior Researcher of the Institute.

"The scientific and practical basics for the necessity of developing a territorial seismic scale were laid down during a large-scale study of the aftermath of the 1988 Spitak earthquake in order to assess the intensity of earthquakes on the territory of Gyumri and Spitak cities and to draw up large-scale macro-seismic maps.The development of the regional seismic scale was based on two important factors. Firstly, unlike the MSK-64 scale currently in use, buildings will be standardized not by their structural properties but by their actual level of seismic resistance. Secondly, the national-traditional peculiarities and many years of construction experience of our region will be taken into account.

Based on our proposed preliminary classification of buildings and structures, detailed macro seismic surveys were conducted practically in all settlements of the Spitak seismic zone. Detailed macro seismic maps of Gyumri, Spitak, Vanadzor, and Stepanavan cities were compiled," said Vanand Grigoryan.The practical significance of the regional seismic scale is conditioned by the necessity for a more realistic assessment of earthquake intensity in order to implement more objective and effective anti-seismic policy.

The works on "Improvement of seismic zoning and micro-zoning methods, elaboration of seismic hazard and risk assessment methodology taking into account territorial peculiarities" are carried out within the framework of the program on fundamental scientific research approved by the Presidium of NAS RA. The results of the research have been presented at a number of international conferences.